Airport Limits Hugs to 3 Minutes: New Zealand


Airport Limits Hugs to 3 Minutes: New Zealand

Dunedin Airport has captured global attention after introducing a three-minute time limit on hugs in its free drop-off zone.


The measure aims to improve traffic flow and enhance safety around the terminal. For longer goodbyes, passengers and their companions will need to move to the carpark.


Dunedin Airport CEO Daniel De Bono, who admitted to being "a hugger," said the announcement was meant to be lighthearted but has sparked global conversation. With this news there was a mix reactions ranging from humor to debate.


Further, the Dunedin Airport CEO said, a 20-second hug releases the “love hormone” oxytocin, De Bono argued that encouraging shorter hugs would allow more people to share affectionate moments while keeping traffic flowing smoothly.


A Facebook post featuring the "Max hug time 3 minutes" sign garnered over 56,000 likes, with some calling the rule "inhumane" and others supporting similar limits elsewhere.

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