Fostering innovative technologies to improve the basic issues of the connected Healthcare Platform organization


Fostering innovative technologies to improve the basic issues of the connected Healthcare Platform organization

Bohitesh Misra, Co-Founder and CTO, Avexa Systems


Technology blueprint for year ahead
We are currently developing a connected Healthcare Analytics platform for providing services to Insurance companies, individuals, doctors, health providers, labs etc. and as a technology leader, I have adopted the agile development methodology to manage our technical development projects more effectively. We use automation tools and platforms to streamline our routine tasks and reduce some manual efforts. This helps in increase in efficiency, reduce errors and cut costs.

We also leverage cloud computing platforms to deploy our solutions quickly and cost-effectively. Use of collaboration tools such as project management software, communication tools and file sharing platforms help us in improving communication and collaboration between various teams, reduces errors and misunderstandings.

We effectively use analytics tools and platforms to analyze data and identify inefficiencies in workflows and processes. This helps to increase productivity and reduce costs by identifying areas that require improvement.


Latest technologies influencing growth
AI and ML technologies are being adopted by our healthcare analytics platform startup to automate processes, identify trends and patterns, and provide personalized healthcare services.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is being used to extract valuable insights from unstructured data such as clinical notes and patient feedback and with increasing amount of data being generated in healthcare, big data analytics is being used to provide insights into patient outcomes, disease management, and resource utilization.

Cloud computing has become a popular option for healthcare analytics platform companies to store and process large amounts of data, enabling greater scalability and cost savings. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices and sensors are being used to collect and analyze data to improve patient monitoring and disease management.


Fortifying organization from cyber threats
Conducting regular Security Audits help us to identify vulnerabilities in an organization’s systems and infrastructure, that helps in timely remediation and prevention of security incidents. We have implemented multi-factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of security to an organization’s systems and applications, making it more difficult for hackers to gain unauthorized access.

Providing Security Awareness Training to Employees is often the weakest link in an organization’s security posture, so we are providing security awareness training to employees.

We also plan to implement a zero-trust model assuming that all network traffic is potentially malicious and requires users and devices to be authenticated and authorized before accessing any resources on the network. We ensure regular software and system updates are patched for known vulnerabilities that help us in preventing attacks that exploit these vulnerabilities.

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