Today’s computerized technologies are essential to the company’s future


Today’s computerized technologies are essential to the company’s future

Manikant Singh, CISO, DMI Finance


Technology blueprint for year ahead
To manage technical projects effectively, it’s essential to establish clear objectives, create a detailed project plan, assign roles and responsibilities, and set milestones and deadlines. Regular communication with stakeholders and team members is also crucial to ensure that everyone is aligned and aware of progress and potential roadblocks.

When deploying solutions, it’s essential to consider the overall impact on the organization, including potential risks and benefits. It’s also important to ensure that the solution is scalable and can adapt to changing business needs.

To increase efficiency and productivity while cutting costs, organizations can leverage technology in several ways. This includes automating repetitive tasks, using data analytics to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement, adopting cloud-based solutions, and investing in employee training and development.

Looking ahead to 2023-24, some key priorities for technology leaders may include:
Enhancing cybersecurity measures: With cyber threats becoming more sophisticated, technology leaders must prioritize the security of their organization’s data and systems.

Adopting emerging technologies: Technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain can offer significant opportunities for innovation and efficiency.

Embracing remote work: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote work, and technology leaders must ensure that their organization has the infrastructure and tools in place to support a remote workforce.

Prioritizing sustainability: As concerns around climate change continue to grow, technology leaders can play a critical role in promoting sustainability and reducing their organization’s carbon footprint.

Fostering a culture of innovation: To stay competitive and agile, organizations must foster a culture of innovation and experimentation, encouraging employees to explore new ideas and technologies.


Latest technologies influencing growth
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML are transforming businesses across various verticals, from predicting customer behaviour to automating workflows. They can help us make better decisions, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.


Fortifying organization from cyber threats
We are planning to adopt a layered approach for cybersecurity including conducting regular vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, implementing access controls, training employees on best practices, monitoring for suspicious activity, and staying up-to-date on emerging threats. By adopting the above businesses can strengthen their cybersecurity measures and reduce the risk of a cyber attack.

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