Implementing effective technical goals for strategic growth


Implementing effective technical goals for strategic growth

Arijit Dasgupta, Head IT, Rupa & Company  


Technology blueprint for year ahead
Start by setting clear goals and objectives for the projects you’ll be working on. These goals should align with the overall business strategy and address specific areas where efficiency and productivity improvements are needed.


Assess the current technology infrastructure, systems, and processes in your organization. This audit will help you prioritize projects and allocate resources effectively.


Create a comprehensive technology roadmap that outlines the projects, initiatives, and upgrades your plan to undertake during 2023-24.


Prioritize projects based on their potential impact on efficiency, productivity, and cost reduction. Consider factors such as return on investment, alignment with business objectives, and feasibility of implementation.


Implement effective project management practices to ensure successful execution of technical projects. This includes defining project scope, establishing timelines, allocating resources, and monitoring progress regularly.


Explore opportunities to leverage cloud computing services and automation tools.

Invest in data analytics capabilities to derive insights and make data-driven decisions.

Prioritize cybersecurity to protect your organization’s data, systems, and customer information.


Digital technologies aiding to win customer trust
To win the trust of customers in the digital age, where on-demand services are prevalent, consider the following strategies:

Be transparent in your business practices and communicate openly with your customers. Clearly state your policies, pricing, terms, and conditions.

Prioritize the protection of customer data. Implement robust security measures to safeguard personal information and adhere to data protection regulations.

Provide exceptional customer service at every touchpoint. Be responsive, helpful, and attentive to customer inquiries, feedback, and complaints.

Leverage customer data to personalize the customer experience. Tailor recommendations, offers, and communications based on their preferences, purchase history, and behaviour.

Deliver a consistent brand experience across all channels and interactions.

Encourage and showcase positive customer reviews and testimonials. Highlight real-life experiences and success stories from satisfied customers.

Conduct your business with honesty and integrity. Avoid deceptive or misleading practices. If mistakes or issues occur, take responsibility, apologize, and make amends.

Foster a sense of community around your brand by creating online forums, social media groups, or customer loyalty programs. Encourage customers to engage with each other and share their experiences.

Be authentic in your brand communication. Avoid excessive marketing hype or false promises.

Continuously seek feedback from your customers and use it to improve your products, services, and customer experience. 

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