Manish Sinha, Head –IT, Vectus Industries


Manish Sinha,  Head –IT, Vectus Industries

Robust Technology Infrastructure and Business Insights – Two Pillars of Business Transformation 

Commitment as a Tech Head  
We have to always pass on new keywords in our brain to exercise new initiatives for the organization and at times when brain says – it’s not your work, do not stop the flow, complete and at end when get complete brain storming done then you can divide the outcome and share it with different stakeholder. That will also help the organization to perform better but in the beginning itself we stop ourselves and start criticizing or analyzing our steps then we kill an upcoming opportunity for both i.e. for ourselves and for the organization also.

There is nothing wrong in challenging ourselves and pushing to next level. As long as we have support from management as they are the governing body and with their vision if it’s not aligned then who else can tell us better than them. So we should not resist in experimenting and adopting new technology and business initiatives.

Experience Cell
 Skilled people will remain a challenge as pace of change of technology is very quick. Even when you look with OEM- who launches those technologies they also do not have proper bandwidth to address customer demands. As per my thought it’s not a skill problem as people are still available with one technology who are proficient enough to meet business demands.

We need to think upon new set of ideas, strategies as giving same excuses which every person is giving will put CIO/CTO in a row of non-performers. We try to get advance information from Vendor team and try to do POC on our own and then we go to management so that if they see working us to next level and with some data analysis we produce some strategical input so that management can relate it to their future initiatives. 

Key Priorities
Bringing in new technologies and skills does not always guarantee successful business transformation. So a CIO/CTO has to focus on team development, as with a technology shift you also need human resources who would be learning and retaining all other systems in the organizations. 


This year we are focusing on shop floor innovation such as using IOT and reducing human data points for production data entries by using RF/RFID/ bar coding for inventory management. The other given areas are AI , machine learning and chat bots for automating monotonous routine operations of different departments such as induction process in HR, creating IT/HR Policy tutorials for employee so that we can keep each level employee engaged and aware about these.


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