Bipradas Bandyopadhyay, Head of IT - Zuari Infraworld India


Bipradas Bandyopadhyay, Head of IT - Zuari Infraworld India

‘Digital Marketing will be a new focus to generate revenue for us’

Commitment as a Tech Head  
The role of a CIO has now got expanded to become a revenue-earning role for the organization. Digital transformation to ensure the organization stays ahead of the curve is now the primary responsibility of a CIO, taking him/her out the comfort zone of IT Infra management. Anexample of such an expansion is the CIO becoming CDO (Chief Digital Officer) where s/he takes care of implementing digital initiatives inside and outside the organization with the help of latest technology. Digital Marketing is one such activity to which I have ventured now in addition to my existing CIO role to generate revenue for the organization by means of increasing ROI (Cost/Lead) of marketing campaigns through online methods and ensuring increased sales.

Experience Cell
Skilled people to implement new age technologies are always in shortfall, more so in recent times when multitude of new age technologies are getting adopted by organizations in a short period of time. In our organization we primarily invest on people by re-skilling them through appropriate training, workshops and hands-on jobs in these new age technologies before assigning them in the projects related to such technologies. In some extra ordinary situations, external resourcing is procured from the established vendors.

Key Priorities
IT priorities are manifold - Re-investing on new ERP (Cloud-based), Document Management S/w implementation, implementing intranet system within the organization etc.
Adaptability to Organizational Changes
The IT Landscape is always changing considering the pervasive use of technology in all processes across industries. As businesses are getting disrupted by new-entrants, technology plays a critical role to ensure businesses stay in the game always. Connectivity across the enterprise is the major requirement internally whereas enhancing customer experience in the outer world is given major focus by the business to ensure increased revenues; both these activities are now in the domain of CIO for implementation and effective usage. 
Increased process efficiency, communication & connectivity across different depts. inside the organization and new avenues of generating revenues through use of technology are going to be the focus area of the CIOs for this year.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
Increased lead generation (& subsequent sales) though effective use of digital marketing techniques to ensure revenue for the organization is one of the agenda in the current financial year. Additionally, improvement of customer experience by using technology to reduce pain areas in each step of customer journey or touchpoints is another initiative to be executed during this financial year. All these are aimed to increase growth of business and meet the strategic business objectives as set by the board.


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