China trying all measures to stop spread of Coronavirus


China trying all measures to stop spread of Coronavirus

China, from where Coronavirus took birth is now trying all the measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. In a bid to stop the spread of deadly coronavirus (Covid-19) China has started disinfecting and isolating used banknotes. The move comes a day after people returning to the capital from holidays were ordered to quarantine themselves for 14 days.


The World Health Organization has said that Covid-19 can be spread through contaminated objects in addition to droplets and direct contact with infected patients.


At a press conference, China’s central bank said that banks use ultraviolet light or high temperatures to disinfect Yuan bills, then seal and store the cash for seven to 14 days – depending on the severity of the outbreak in a particular region – before recirculating the notes.


The alarming situation in the country has triggered a rush to disinfect public places and minimise contact between people.


Pharmacies across the country sold out of disinfectants and surgical masks in days after a lockdown was announced in late January in Wuhan, where the Covid-19 illness is believed to have emerged.


Office buildings have installed packets of tissue in elevators that tenants are encouraged to use when pressing buttons, while ride-hailing company Didi exhorts drivers to disinfect their cars daily.


Fan Yifei, the deputy governor of China’s central bank, said on that banks had been urged to provide new banknotes to customers whenever possible.


The central bank made an “emergency issuance” of 4 billion Yuan in new notes to Hubei province, the centre of the outbreak, before the recent Lunar New Year holiday, Fan added.


The measures are intended to “secure the public’s safety and health when using cash”, Fan said.


But it is unclear how wide an impact the central bank’s disinfection work will have, with increasing numbers of Chinese people preferring mobile payments over cash in recent years.


In 2017, nearly three-quarters of Chinese respondents told an Ipsos survey they could survive a whole month without using more than 100 Yuan in cash.


World Health Organisation’s Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that a WHO-led joint mission with China will start its outbreak investigation work this weekend, focusing on how the new coronavirus is spreading and its severity.

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