Digital transformation brings ample opportunities


Digital transformation brings ample opportunities

Yogesh Dadke, APAC IT Leader - Adient


CIO priorities for 2022
The primary focus remains on the customer as we deliver win-win solutions; we anticipate the needs of the market, be upfront and proactive for fulfilling the customer needs with fulfilment of value proposition.


Digitization - opportunities galore
There are many direction gains as a result of organization wide digital transformation.


·  Improved Productivity
Factory automation technologies improve output rates and reduce error rates. Digitalization can also improve most – if not all – manufacturing processes. Additionally, sensors and machine learning technologies can improve OEE and reduce breakdowns, leading to further improvements in productivity.


·  More Efficient Use of Resources
The digitalization of a manufacturing business involves using machines and software to perform functions that are currently performed by people. This allows companies to redeploy and reallocate their resources in a more effective way.


Not only does digitalization make it possible for this process to be done remotely: digital twin technologies take it much further. Digital twin technologies allow support engineers to keep a virtual twin of the equipment or machine, updated with real-time data. The engineer will, therefore, know there is a problem at the same time as the manufacturer.


·  More Effectively Working with Supply chain ecosystem (Suppliers, Regulators, and Others)
By digitally transforming a business, it is possible to build digital bridges with companies and organizations in distribution and supply chains. Automating these processes reduces errors as well as decision-making times.


·  Improving Communication and Oversight
Digitalization makes communications more efficient while also adding transparency to communications. Digitalization also means there is no longer a need to be in a physical location to have a full management overview of what is going on. Among other things, systems can send reports with real-time data, while it is also possible to remotely operate processes, functions, and systems.


·  Product Customization opportunity
Product customization is a manufacturing trend that is going to become bigger and more important to a wider range of companies.


·  Enhancing the Customer Experience
Opportunities like product customization enhance the customer experience but there are other ways digitalization can make this happen too.


·  Improved Safety

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