Puneesh Lamba, Group CIO - CK Birla Group


Puneesh Lamba, Group CIO - CK Birla Group

‘CIO is well placed to contribute more than any other leader in the organization’

Commitment as a Tech Head 
I would like to call CIO as the most contributing C-Level executive rather than most influential as the fact remains that IT is largely a cost center still. Yes, the organizations have woken up in last 2 years especially to the new digital world realities and have started looking up to CIOs to lead their endeavors to become more and more digital to remain relevant in a race to top. Due to visibility to the entire set of macro business processes in the organization and ability to see the big picture in terms of inter departmental dependencies and integration, CIO is well placed to contribute more than any other leader in the organization to overall strategy as well as provide insights on future potential business models.

Key Priorities
 We started our “organized” digital journey around 18 months ago and divided the digital maturity levels of group organizations into 5 maturity levels. The initiatives were divided into foundational, distinctive and disruptive categories so that measured efforts are put in each category, based on the existing maturity level as well as desired maturity level of the group company. The prioritized foundational initiatives in companies were like Business Intelligence, ERP enhancement, HR Automation etc. whereas distinctive initiatives included actionable insights from analytics solutions, mobility solutions to engage customers, employees, partners and influencers, moving more workloads on cloud, using chatbots for boosting productivity etc.

Adaptability to Organizational Changes
CIO needs, not only to have vision to run the IT organization but also must ensure execution of projects on time delivering expected business benefits. For this, the IT organization has to be extremely adaptive, agile and business oriented and this is CIO’s big responsibility to architect the infrastructural and application landscape to be modular, scalable and flexible to respond fast to business needs and wishes.

Investment Plans for FY 18-19
Our agenda for the current year is largely about engagement with stakeholders. These stakeholders are our customers, their customers, our employees, partners, shareholders and business influencers. The projects are targeted to engage all these stakeholders in a way that we provide value to each one of them and improve productivity, efficiencies, transparency and collaboration in the process.


Most evolved organizations have taken the route of Hybrid IT where the key services like the governance, compliance and strategy are kept in-house whereas development, testing and support are outsourced to partners. The benefit that this model provides is that they get access to latest/emerging skills on demand and get service level agreements as an addition. It also provides CIO, time to think, strategize and innovate rather than getting bogged down by operational stuff.


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